Wallace Energy Systems and Renewables Facility

The WESRF at OSU provides research, testing and consulting services related to machines and drives, power electronics, hybrid electric vehicles, power systems and renewables.

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O. H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory

The O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory provides outstanding research and testing at the largest nearshore experimental facility at an academic institution in the US.

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Located 7 miles off the Pacific coast near Newport, Oregon, the PacWave facility features consistent, energetic waves and steady winds — ideal for testing survivability and energy production.

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Robotic Decision Making Laboratory

The Robotic Decision Making Laboratory performs fundamental research in the growing area of robotic systems. We design planning, coordination, and learning techniques to improve robotic sensing and manipulation in the physical world.

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Hatfield Marine Science Center

The Hatfield Marine Science Center serves as the base for the majority of PMEC’s environmental research as well as providing outreach and engagement opportunities via the Visitor Centre and K-12 education programs. HMSC hosts researchers from seven OSU colleges and six state and federal agencies including the Benthic Ecology Lab and NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Acoustics Program.